Parent Category: Demo Content
Category: Template Features

seo optimizedYou don't need a nice website if Google can't index it and position it higher in search results.

Even SEO beginners know that H1 and H2 tags are important and that Google spiders look for them when indexing your page. Joomla itself doesn't put headings in H1 and H2. With this template, it does!

This feature is automatically enabled in the template. You can check HTML code of the demo home page. You will see that big heading is in <H1> tag, while sub-heading is in <H2> tag. Without this template, these headings are in default componentheading and contentheading Joomla classes. Important note is that Joomla core files are NOT hacked, so you won't have any problems with upgrading, when new version of Joomla is available.