photo19Local heritage assets are those that are not statutorily designated, such as Listed Buildings which are designated by English Heritage.  These local heritage assets help build a sense of local identity and distinctiveness, a sense of history, place and belonging, and the designation of a site as a Local Heritage Asset is in itself a material consideration for planning decisions.

Assets may be added by nomination from a local heritage group, Parish Council or from interested members of the public. This is what ACCESS undertook in 2013,when after much research the following assets were sent to ADC to be considered on their Heritage List and added .(see Bold items). Many thanks to Bob Collier for compiling and photographing the assets and Mrs Pearson for use of her husbands book - "Annesley through the Ages"

Please click on the picture/name to get a resume of the asset. All ADC Assets, in the locality may be found here or direct from ADC here (you will have to zoom into the ADC map)

a)" Little Oak Plantation", Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage number 917

b)" Osier Wood"/ Osierbed Wood Sherwood Business Park- Heritage number 918

c) "Ancient field boundary/Hedgerow" between Lords of the Manor, Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage number 912

d)"Hedges and Banked Hedges along Toll Road/Old Turnpike Road", Annesley Woodhouse to Selston. Heritage number 911

e)" Limestone quarries and Old Lime Kilns", land North & South of Toll Road/Turnpike from Annesley Woodhouse to Selston. Heritage No. 913

f)"6 Miners Cottages" built by "Annesley Miners Company", Nos 1-6, Newstead Road, Annesley. Heritage No. 916

g) Miners Cottages built by "Annesley Miners Company", Nos 7-24 Derby Road, Annesley Woodhouse

h) Annesley Rows, 160 Miners Cottages built by "Annesley Miners Company", Annesley

i)" Malthouse Corner Wall", Junction Skegby Road/Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage Number 914

j)" Framesmiths Workshop", Salmon Lane, Annesley Woodhouse.  Heritage No. 925

k)" Southfields" - "Tudor Lodge", Salmon Lane, Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage number 924

l)" Old Free School, "The Sycamores", Salmon Lane, Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage number 923.

m)" Site of Cobblers Workshop", Ashfield House, Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse

n) "The Sycamores"  Old Free School, , Salmon Lane, Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage No 923

o) "Forest House, Old Blacksmith, Wheelwrights and Carpenters", 106 Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse.  Heritage number 920

p) Retail outlets six 3 storey built houses "Green Cottages", Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage number 922

q) "The old Co-op" converted from 3 houses on Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse.  Heritage number 921.  

r) Forest Tavern - Public house, Old Farmhouse, 1 of only 6 dwellings on Skegy Road (in 1851), Annesley Woodhouse. Heritage number 915

s) "Saint Johns" Church, Skegy Road, Annesley Woodhouse

t) "Cherry Tree Cottage", 58 Skegby Road, Annesley Woodhouse

u) "The Homestead", Skegby Road, Annesley Woodhouse

v) "The Baptist Chapel", Main Road, Kirkby Woodhouse

w) "The Old Granary" Willow Cottages, Forest Road, Annesley Woodhouse.  Heritage number 919


Items without an Heritage link, were already on ADC Heritage list.






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This information is not important if you are installing template using our HOT Start package. In this case, all parameters are set.

Menu has 3 different animated effects. You can select one of them in template parameters. Also, you can select to show submenu without animation effect.