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Annesley Welfare Sports field, Local Draft PLan
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Having examined the Local Plan and being aware of the strength of feeling towards the retention of the remaining area of this development (K1Hi) as a Sports Field, we urge that you ask the Council, for rejection of KA049 as shown within the SHELAA reports, and that this area is safeguarded as "Green Space"
This link shows and expands on our concerns which we hope strengthens the petition.
Peter Olko/Bob Collier - ACCESS
Utter Confusion - V/2021/0682 v Cycle Paths v Local Plan
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We are sorry for the long explanation letter, but it important both to safeguard Little Oak Plantation from V/2021/0682 and what we see as environmental destruction on cyclepaths which are not really needed and the threat of a potentiial cycle path within the Local Draft Plan down Little Oak Avenue - these factors are intertwinned and cannot be seperated and need your action
Peter Olko/Bob Collier
Click here to see our full concrens
Oakwood Fields Meadows - Nature Plan (2)
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Oakwood Fields Meadows - Nature Plan (2)
Application V/2021/0682 Part 1
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We are concerned about the above application, that seemingly gives the impression that work is being undertaken to existing footpaths within Little Oak Plantation when actually, this seems a precursor to the construction of a hard surface cycle path through the wood and adjoining land. I have no objection to cycle paths, but there is clear evidence within the application on a drawing that substantial construction works to a depth of 200mm will have to be undertaken which may damage the wood and no account or surveys have been undertaken regarding the impact of this.
Our drawing showing cycle path and extent of application
Even the tree officer's report seems to indicate that work will not interfere with the existing footpath system - indicating that he may not be aware of future construction works
I am not sure if planning permission is required for a cycle path, but clearly specialist advice should be undertaken when construction works of this magnitude are being envisaged through what is an ancient woodland. Perhaps even advice should be sought from ecologists, Nottinghamshire Biological and Geological Record Centre and Natural England.
Nor should ADC waste taxpayers monies in preparatory works if there is a chance that the cycle path may be refused. Why cannot ADC tell the truth in what is their ultimate aim.
Personally I also cannot understand what benefits a cycle path from Derby Road to the footpath linking Forest Road near the doctors surgery to Sherwood Business park will achieve. In these troubled times we shouldn't be spending monies just for the sake that it is available. I am sure that with public consultation perhaps better and more worthy schemes could be found within the District.
I urge you to contact you councillor or even MP to get the true facts about this application found out. Even through the closure date has passed ADC have to take into account all submissions up to the date of the debate in council.
Please read our letter by clicking the link below - Thank youi
Volunteer friends of Oakwood Fields - background (1)
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In about 1999, in furtherance to the building of Sherwood Business Park, the development company decided to landscape the field(s) (click link) that abutted between the footpath leading from near the Doctors surgery on Forest Road to Sherwood business park, up to Little Oak Plantation.
This work involved removing and storing much of the clay subsoils from the Industrial site during its construction, the provision of a sound barrier in the form of a heightened walkway (not very effective) and the setting of 1000’s of conifers.
Over the following years, through water logging and neglect, many of the trees died and the whole area became overgrown. Following pressure by Ashfield District Councillor Tony Theaker and some of the local community, Ashfield District Council, took over ownership of this area but despite management plans (Click link) being formulated nothing was undertaken to ensure that this downturn was reversed.
Following many complaints about its condition, in 2016, ACCESS approached the Council, who stated that finances prevented them from carrying out any vast improvements but thought that this would be an invaluable area to be developed for and by the local community.
With this in mind, a meeting was called, following which, it was decided that a volunteers group would be established. A constitution was formulated in conjunction with ADC, advertised, committee members organised, and working parties set up. It was thought, by many, that this might provide an outdoor nature area for the children of the Primary school. Mrs Dawn Roberts, Head, was an enthusiastic supporter and indeed one of the committee.
The group firstly spent many days removing the plastic tree guards, which had initially protected the young trees, but were now strangling and restricting them. Over about 1 year, 2500 guards were removed and transported away from site.
What started with enthusiasm within the committee was somewhat dimmed by personal circumstances which fell on them. Personally speaking I tried to support my wife in providing end-of-life care to her uncle over many months, as well as supporting my own family members who had health problems. I also know that the majority of committee members either suffered serious health problems themselves or family members did. My wife and I moved out of the area for nearly 9 months, whilst renovations were carried out to our house. Unfortunately, no sooner had we returned then Coronavirus struck the world with its restrictions. My friend, Kevan, who did all the programming behind the old ACCESS site also died unexpectedly through Kidney failure and with his loss, I lost the ACCESS website, which I am now trying, being self taught, to build back up.
As Chair of the group, I must apologise for the lack of communications during these difficult times. I have spoken to the majority of the old stalwarts of the group and the word “old” is perhaps apt, as the majority of those who formed the committee are now in their 70’s or mid 70’s and have health problems themselves. In general, they do not wish to continue as committee, but like myself are prepared to assist and guide any new members to take this on.
If you are interested in assisting in moving this forward, please contact me, all responses will be treated in the strictest confidence. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regular updates will be posted here.